Alpha Epsilon Phi -
On February 13th, Alpha Epsilon Phi celebrated Sharsheret Pink Day. One of our philanthropies, Sharsheret is a national not-for-profit organization supporting Jewish women and their families facing breast cancer. Sharsheret is the Hebrew word for “chain,” and their mission is to offer a community of support to women by fostering connections with networks of peers, health professionals, and related resources. This organization was founded by Rochelle Shoretz, an AEPhi alumna, to create a support network for Jewish women with breast cancer. While Sharsheret programs serve all men and women, there was a particular need in the Jewish community because women of Ashkenazi Jewish descent have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.
In the fall, AEPhi put on multiple events in support of Sharsheret. We had a fundraiser at Cafe Sababa and hosted a grilled cheese and tomato soup dinner at our house. Also, we had a “Kickin’ it with AEPHi” kickball tournament, where teams of fraternities came together to play to have fun and raise money. The proceeds from all of these events went to Sharsheret to help fund their programming and support efforts. To make a more personal impact, we put together care kits with cards, bracelets, and self-care products that were distributed to breast cancer patients.